Nutritional value of Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits

Nutrition | Benefits | FAQ 

With the realisation of our not-so-perfect lifestyle, it is important to bring about a change in how we lead our lives. The first step towards a better life is to improve the intake of diet and what better way than to pick out Ayurvedic ingredients? After all, we are all trying to find an organic path to improve our health.

Now that we have mentioned Ayurveda, we have to figure out how old gems of Ayurveda can adjust in our modern lives and our everyday intake of diet. There are multiple ingredients, but for today we will be talking about one: Pumpkin Seeds.

Pumpkin seeds are a popular snack, but they also have many other benefits that can be enjoyed by those who consume them. Pumpkin seeds provide both the taste and nutritional value of pumpkin. When consumed, pumpkin seeds are easily digested.

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition

These little pumpkin seeds are powerhouses for our bodies. They contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Pumpkin seeds are also high in dietary fiber that is beneficial for our digestive system. They also have omega-3 fatty acids that help the body metabolize fat and maintain healthy blood cholesterol levels. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein, iron, and zinc.

We believe in facts, and that’s the reason we follow the statistical nutritional value of these seeds. Following pumpkin seeds, the nutrition facts are based on 1 ounce (28g) of Pumpkin seeds:

  • Proteins: 7g
  • Fat: 13g (6g of omega-6)
  • Sodium: 5mg
  • Fibre: 1.7g
  • Carbs: 5g
  • Vitamin K: 18% of RDI
  • Iron: 23% of RDI
  • Magnesium: 37% of RDI
  • Zinc: 19% of RDI
  • Copper: 19% of RDI
  • Phosphorous: 33% of RDI

Other than these, there are several other essential minerals you can attain on the consumption of pumpkin seeds. Do we need to give you any other reason to add these little sources of nutrients to your diet? If yes, then we are giving away some significant pumpkin seeds benefits that will provide you with a better perspective.

What are the Benefits of Eating Pumpkin Seeds?

Healthy Heart

Pumpkin seeds for healthy heart
When we talk about the uses of pumpkin seeds, the first one is to add them to your diet and save your heart. It keeps the health of your heart in check. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of minerals and nutrients that help the heart. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc are some of the minerals present in pumpkin seeds that can be very beneficial for your heart health. With healthy fats, fibres, and various antioxidants, pumpkin seeds support your heart.

Improves Sleep

Pumpkin seeds for improved sleep

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that controls your sleep cycle and helps you to fall asleep at night. With our modern lifestyle and work-from-home situation, it has become challenging to get proper sleep. A dose of pumpkin seeds can solve that for you. A natural source of tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep will do the deed. A good night's sleep will ensure that you wake up fresh the next morning.

Builds Immunity

Pumpkin seeds build immunity
Pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc, which is an essential mineral for the immune system. Zinc helps in increasing immunity in the human body as it helps in building antibodies. An adequate amount of zinc in your body helps in the quick healing of a wound or injury. Zinc is not stored in the body, therefore, its regular intake will help you keep your health in check.

Improves Prostate Health

Pumpkin seeds improve prostate health
With increasing age, men have to face many problems, and one of them is the issues with the prostate gland. Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, which is an essential mineral for the prostate. There are several pumpkin seeds benefits for men, and they can help men who suffer from an enlarged prostate. Also, pumpkin seeds help in improving the quality of sperm, which eventually enhances fertility in men.

Boon For Diabetics 

Pumpkin seeds boon for diabetics
Along with other health benefits of pumpkin seeds, fighting against people with diabetes is one of them. As we increase the intake of pumpkin seeds, there is a 15% lesser chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Luscious Hair

Pumpkin seeds for luscious health


Application of pumpkin seed oil on hair can be a game-changer for the your healthy hair. With all the nutrients available in the pumpkin seeds, the locks become stronger and better textured.

What is the Best Way of Using Pumpkin Seeds?

consumption of Pumpkin seeds


There are no major pumpkin seed side effects. However, you can’t exceed the standard limit of consumption. If your body is not accustomed to taking high fibre, it can be difficult for your body to take a sudden increase in fibre. Starting with a massive amount of pumpkin seeds can affect your digestive system. To balance the same, start taking the seeds in small amounts and eventually increase your daily intake. 

Pumpkin seeds are readily available in the market, and if you are struggling to find them, you can opt for pumpkin seeds oil and add it to your recipes for a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Pumpkin seeds

How to eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are easy to eat, but the best way is to roast them. To do this, simply place pumpkin seeds in a pan and cook them on low heat for about 5 minutes or until they become fragrant. These seeds can be eaten raw as well. If you want to have them in a savoury form, you can roast them with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

How much pumpkin seeds to eat daily?

With an abundance of nutrients, you need not hog on to the seeds. You can add two tablespoons of pumpkin seeds to your daily diet.

it ok to eat pumpkin seeds every day?

Some nutrients of pumpkin seeds are not stored in our body. You need a regular intake of pumpkin seeds to have such nutrients.

What is the best time to eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seed is not a time-bound snack to have. You may have to soak them in the water at least a half-hour before consumption. If you are facing difficulty in sleeping, you may have them before heading to bed.

Is pumpkin seed oil good for hair growth?

Yes, the pumpkin seed oil is amazingly good for hair growth. It helps your hair grow and even improves the health and texture of the strands.

Is pumpkin good for high blood pressure?

Yes, pumpkin seeds help in improving lipid profile which lowers the cholesterol in your body. With a lesser amount of cholesterol in your body, there is a lesser risk of high blood pressure and heart attacks. 

What are the health benefits of using pumpkin seed oil?

Pumpkin seed oil is full of vitamins and anti-inflammatory agents. Hence, it promotes your urinary and heart health.

Do pumpkin seeds cause any side effects or allergies?

Pumpkin seeds are full of nutrients, but there is no major side effect reported. If you have an allergy to pumpkin seeds, it can be triggered by their presence in the body.

Pumpkin seeds are healthy, but you should not consume them if you have kidney problems. If consumed in large amounts, they may cause constipation and even diarrhea. They can lead to anaphylactic shock, so avoid eating them if you have allergies. 

Anveshan Pumpkin Seeds

Final Words

We have taken our health for granted and it is evident from our fatigue. It is high time that we make a change in our diet to lead a healthy life. As we have listed the health benefits of pumpkin seeds, it is essential to give up on our junk food diet and replace our evening snacks with pumpkin seeds.

Buy Anveshan organic pumpkin seeds here: